Cover artwork for "Future Conditional" from Insides And Outsides, mastering by John Elleson-Hartley.

Out today is this superb and energetic, synth driven EP from Insides And OutsidesFuture Conditional!

Future Conditional by Insides And Outsides

More about the album…

Future Conditional, like so many projects, arose from an experiment. I wanted to become more proficient with my music software, though I also wanted to produce some Synthwave material. I was very much an adolescent of the eighties, and that style is nostalgic for me.

Once I’d finished a track (which actually became the last one, Sentient Sky – I seem to make a habit of that!) I began to feel the hopeful vibe of the music as the end of an inspirational story involving the rebirth of humanity after a societal collapse. Three more tracks followed, telling the story in preceding chapters. Yes, despite the lack of vocals there are words in my head to go with this music – but only a few, and they’re not great literature. This is a “vibe”, rather than a plausible plot. However, it is my intention to make a video with the words narrated over the music. Subscribe to me on YouTube and keep an eye on progress!

Thoroughly enjoyed mastering these tracks, full of musicianship and feeling!

Categories: Mastered