There comes a time in a headphone’s life when they can begin to look passed their best, warn out and ready for the scrap heap.

It’s really tempting just to buy a new pair – who doesn’t love something new! I don’t like waste so would prefer to refurbish when possible.

Thankfully, if the mechanics are still good, some headphones can enjoy a facelift with replacement pads. This also makes them much more comfortable to use – it’s amazing what you can get used to!
Replacement DT150 Pads

After a bit of a search trying to find some parts I came across the SHOWCOMMS website. The headband was £14.04 and the ear cushion pads were £25.20. I would have preferred the soft material type of ear pads that I was able to fit on my pair of DT100s but no joy in finding those.
Getting Down To Business
First things first, the easy part of pulling off the old pads and headband.

Then to get ready to put on the new parts for the ultimate facelift!

After the old pads came off so easily, I would just say that the new parts were REALLY tight.
That’s how you’d want them so they are a good fit but there were a couple of moments where I might split the ear pads plastic whilst using a butter knife to help lift the edge over the ear piece.
Thankfully, they are made of something stronger than my nerve and made it on for a snug fit!

The headband was also a tight fit. Initially, I hadn’t centred it properly and couldn’t slide it so just unclipped and put it back on properly.

Job done and should hopefully give many more years of use!